Monday, August 17, 2015

Technically, it’s still summer.

Last month I wrote about how to make the most of your summer “down time” by preparing for your fall and yearend fundraising.  This month, I’d like to continue in that vein.  Let’s discuss how to get ready for your 2015 Form 990.

I realize it’s not due for another 9 months.  I also realize that if you filed an extension for 2014, you might be running to the post office today to get last year filed.  I also realize that there are a couple of things you can do now to make your 2015 look even better to those who might read it.

If you look at Page 6, Part VI, Section B, you will see the following questions:

12a  Did the organization have a written conflict of interest policy?

13    Did the organization have a written whistleblower policy?

14    Did the organization have a written documentation and destruction policy?

You will note that none of these are “required by the Internal Revenue Code”, so why do they ask?  Don’t forget, your organization’s form 990 provides a wealth of information to many stakeholders, including potential donors and grant makers.  Even the smallest ministry can benefit from having these policies in place as a matter of operations.  You can also benefit from conveying to your stakeholders that you are on top of things.

The best part is that none of these policies need be complicated nor difficult to enforce.  If you would like to take a simple step to better position your ministry, please contact me about developing these policies for your organization.  It’s affordable and I would love to help.

To God be the glory,
