Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer

I love summer.  Cookouts, fireworks, swimming pools, kids out of school, family vacations.  The list goes on, but one item you don’t usually find on it is fundraising.  If your ministry sees a decline in fundraising, either through reduced contributions or increased difficulty in accessing donors, you are not alone.  Summer is traditionally a low point in the donor development process.

So what is a ministry to do?  My advice is to use this “down time” to prepare for your fall or year-end fundraising campaign.  Specifically, here are some things you can do now to set the stage for future success.

First and foremost, use this time to get your contact list in order.  If your thoughts just turned to a drawer full of business cards and post-it notes, or even worse a shoe box, then your first step should be to create a digital file that captures all of this info.  There are many tools available to help you, but even a simple spreadsheet is better than what you have.  Capture all of the relevant info (i.e. names, address, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.) in one record for each contact.

Next, review whatever file you have (or have just created) for accuracy and completeness.  Are the mailing addresses complete?  Have any of the email addresses recently come back to you as undeliverable? Look at the use of capitalization and spelling.  Cleaning this up as much as possible now will help ensure a quality campaign in the future.

Have you considered employing a donor management system?  Some are very expensive and some are free.  Even the free ones can provide many functions that can help you.  Find one that allows you to upload all of the info captured above and then add information that you think would help you.  When was the last gift received from each donor?  How much was it? No gift history?  Identify how likely each of your prospects is to give.  A good system will allow you to track as many items as you think will help you.

Lastly, use this time to remind your donors and potential donors why your ministry exists and what your needs are.  Write a newsletter and get it out.  Update you web-site with current accomplishments.  Make sure you have an on-line giving option that is intuitive and efficient.  Update your social media sites as well.

If you would you like someone to assist you with your specific needs, Armor Bearer Ministry Services is here to help.  Whether you are looking for an affordable way to capture your contact list, employ a donor management system or even put some structure around your donor development process, please contact me to discuss your options.  I would love to hear from you.

I hope you enjoy your summer, but I also hope it is a productive time for your ministry.

To God be the glory,
